Welcome to Hunt. Kill. Cook. We’re so glad YOU’RE here!

The most important aspect of HKC is YOU! We are committed to no-nonsense hunting and outdoor content. We are not fixated on antler size or trophies and embrace the idea that all success should be celebrated regardless of its size.

We exist to help hunters at all stages build skills and grow on their hunting journey. There is no “secret sauce” in hunting, just hard work and determination to be better.

Who we are


I’m a photographer and filmmaker who recently found a passion for hunting. I’ve always been an outdoorsman of sorts. I spent a lot of time in nature and hiking, way before I moved to the States from my native Country Nicaragua; hunting was the natural course of growth I suppose. Growing up in a communist country taught me the value of the freedoms we enjoy in this beautiful country like providing for my family to protecting others by exercising my 2A rights. I love being able to put food on the table in a more rudimentary way than going to my local grocery store. Since 2020 Hunting has become my outlet not only for providing food for my family, but also feeding my soul as I spend time in solitude with God.


I’ve been bowhunting for most of my life. My hunting journey began in 2006 when I went on my first hunt and harvested a small doe. I began to learn all I could from the people around me and put what I was learning into practice. Through experimentation I learned how to get close and reliably harvest year after year. Trophies and glory do not motivate me, just clean meat for my family. Being in the woods isn’t just about hunting; it’s an opportunity to spend time with my Creator, Jesus Christ. I love to sit in the quiet, meditate on His word, and enjoy His creation. When I’m not hunting, I’m outside enjoying time with my wife and two young daughters.

What it means for YOU

  • You get access to our experience. WE ARE REAL always bringing you the authentic truth about our successes and failures. You have the advantage of being able to learn from our mistakes.
  • You have the ability to contribute the COMMUNITY. There is a rich heritage of community among hunters. Engaging in that community makes the path easier for new hunters and supports experienced hunters alike.
  • No-nonsense hunting tactics, void of hype, focused on bringing REPEATABLE RESULTS. Hunting is hard and we believe that simplicity is often the fastest path to success.
  • TRUSTWORTHY recommendations for products we actually use. We will never promote anything we don’t use and believe in.
  • People are what makes hunting great. JOIN US as we support each other and promote the sport of hunting.